Introduction of Virtual Reality

A brand-new human-computer interaction method created with the help of computers and the latest sensor technology. Virtual reality is the use of computer simulation to generate a three-dimensional virtual world, providing users with simulations of the senses of sight, hearing, touch, etc., so that users can observe the three-dimensional space in a timely and unlimited manner. thing.
Virtual reality technology combines computer graphics technology, computer simulation technology, sensor technology, display technology and other scientific technologies. It creates a virtual information environment in a multi-dimensional information space, enabling users to have an immersive sense of immersion, and The environment has perfect interaction capabilities and helps to inspire ideas. It is widely used in medicine, entertainment, military aerospace, interior design, real estate development, industrial simulation, emergency deduction, games, geography, education, hydrogeology, maintenance, training and training, shipbuilding, automobile simulation, rail transit, energy fields, Biomechanics, rehabilitation training and digital earth, etc.

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Advantages of Virtual Reality

A sense of presence refers to the user's sense of reality in the virtual world. The ideal simulation environment should make it difficult for users to distinguish between true and false, so that users can devote themselves to the three-dimensional virtual environment created by the computer. Everything in the environment looks real, sounds real, and moves real, even All feelings such as smell and taste are real, just like the feeling in the real world.
The user can directly grasp the virtual object in the simulated environment with his hand. At this time, the hand feels like holding something, and can feel the weight of the object, and the grasped object in the field of view can immediately move with the movement of the hand. In the multi-dimensional information space of the virtual world, knowledge can be obtained in an all-round way by relying on one's own perception and cognitive ability, exerting subjective initiative, and seeking perfect solutions to problems.